INDIAN SUMMER BBQSaturday 23rd October 2021
A BBQ in October - are you mad? Well the gamble paid off we had a dry day, not too cold, especially round the BBQ and a good flying day meant we had a number of people fly in to visit our home at Enstone from PA-28's to two aerobatic Pitts. It was great to have a trial run at our new home and we look forward to some legendary sunshine BBQ's in 2022! Special thanks to Ollie Shuttleworth and Mike Maddams both PPL's and very talented musicians who provided the live music and Bob Shuttleworth who provided the PA and lighting not forgetting Enstone Ventures for lending us the hangar as our stage. With plentyful hot dogs, beef burgers, veggie burgers, draft hooky ale, gin and tonics and a great crowd, this was not any BBQ - this was a Take Flight barbeque and as for a BBQ in October - YES! |