A Weekend in Le Touquet Paris Plage7th - 8th May 2022
The weather gods looked favourably on the first Take Flight Aviation overseas flyout since before the pandemic, and it was a smooth flight down to Le Touquet for eight Take Flight members in three aircraft. A south coast routing was chosen, coasting out just past Lydd and in near Boulogne-sur-Mer. After mandatory ‘just arrived’ selfies and the novelty of having their passports stamped with a ‘Le Touquet’ border control stamp after landing, the team hired the customary airport bikes and cycled into town. The first stop was a (slightly windswept) beach bar, where hungry crew munched their way through a couple of pizzas and the first round of beers were enjoyed. The evening sped past in a whir of bars and restaurants, with the team reconvening for an al fresco breakfast in the centre of town the following morning. Suitably fortified for the day’s adventures, the pilots staged a mini-golf tournament on the novelty course on the seafront with mixed and often hilarious results. With Chris Clarke crowned the winner, it was time to head back to the airport to prepare for the flight home. Conditions for the return flight were even better than the day before, with spectacular views straight across the vivid blue waters of the Channel to England immediately after take-off and excellent weather all the way back to Enstone. |