Isles of Scilly10th - 11th October 2015. The Isles of Scilly are a club fly-out favourite and so we made our annual pilgrimage along with some Scilly Virgins. The Islands are an archipelago off the south western tip of the Cornish peninsula approximately 26 miles off the tip of Lands End with a population of around 2200. There is plenty to see and do with a boat trip around the islands of Bryher, St Martin's, St Agnes and Tresco a must, where if you're lucky you can spot some amazing wildlife. St Mary's is home to the airport and our hotel the Star and Castle, which offers gourmet food with lobster caught off the hotels own boat. The 225 mile journey overhead Cardiff takes you down the North coast of Cornwall. Departing the islands is restricted from 1 - 4pm on Sundays, there's no fuel and short runways, so that makes for good flight planning.