"I Joined Take Flight Aviation with a PPL in 2010 since then have got my IMC and Aerobatic rating and training on Complex aircraft with a total 267 hours." 2. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE AIRCRAFT?RICHARD:
"All of the Take Flight Fleet. See why below." 3.WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT FLYING?RICHARD:
"Hmm… it’s a privilege which I never take for granted (I’m still surprised we’re even allowed to do it) so it never gets boring, even just going up to do some circuits is an experience few get to have. It takes a high level of concentration whilst at the same time being incredibly relaxing - my work causes me a fair amount of preoccupation and stress but when I’m flying, all of that is left on the ground. There isn’t the time or the desire to think about work when flying so, therapy wise, every minute spent in the air is worth an hour on a beach. It can also be rather beautiful up there – flying through a hole in the cloud or watching a rain shower evaporate before it hits the ground or seeing the start of a sunset from the best seat in the house. So, possibly the best thing about flying is being in the fortunate position to be able to share all that, either with fellow aviators or people who’ve never had the opportunity to escape from the ground before." 4. WHAT'S THE BEST THING ABOUT TAKE FLIGHT?RICHARD:
" Owning my own aircraft would mean compromising on the type of flying I like to do (there isn’t a single aircraft that is fast, aerobatic, stable for cross country, STOL, capable of night and IMC, cheap to fly on your own while capable of taking six people etc). Flying with TF means there is no need to compromise – there is an aircraft for every type of flying I enjoy, and if one is in annual or waiting for a part then another is available" |